FAA considering a waiver of the Buy American Preferences for FOD detection equipment

See the The Federal Register for full details.

The purpose of this notice is to request manufacturers of FOD detection equipment, both domestic and foreign, to advise FAA of equipment that they manufacture that can meet the AC requirements. The detailed instructions for submitting the qualifications statement, including forms, may be found on the FAA Web site at: http:// www.faa.gov/airports/aip/procurement/federal_contract_provisions/ at the tab entitled, FOD Detection Equipment Request for Qualifications.

After review, FAA may issue a nationwide waiver to Buy American for the foreign manufacturers of FOD detection equipment. This “Nationwide Waiver” would allow the equipment to be used on airport projects without having to receive separate project waivers. Having a nationwide waiver would allow projects to start quickly without having to wait for the Buy American analysis to be completed for every project, while still assuring that the requirements of Buy American have been met.

Source (the federal register)

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