Still image based Foreign Object Debris detection system

Even with mature FOD detection products on the market, it’s still good to see that research is still going on in the field of FOD detection. I recently came across this paper by Hassan Aftab and Raja Shoaib M. Minhas of the National University of Sciences and Technology, Pakistan. The paper describes a system based on visual images (as opposed to radar etc.)

imageHere’s the conclusion of the research:

Using the discussed methodology and algorithm, satisfactory results are obtained. Different items of different size, shape and colour are used as FODs in experiments where the minimum detected FOD size is 0.6 × 0.6 inch. Contrast of the object w.r.t. background, size, shape, height of object and weather conditions can affect the detection rate. It can be further improved by employing high resolution images and fast processing systems.


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