Category: Tenders

RFP for FOD detection system from the Port of Seattle

The Port of Seattle has issued a RFP for a FOD detection system:

The Port of Seattle (POS) requests proposals from qualified suppliers and firms to provide a “continuous” foreign object debris (FOD) detection system for Runway 16C at the Seattle-Tacoma International Airport (SEA). The proposed system must meet specifications established by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) in FAA Advisory Circular 150/5220-24, Airport Foreign Object Debris (FOD) Detection Equipment, or most recent version The system must also meet requirements of the Port of Seattle for the detection of FOD and wildlife on the runway. The system must be scalable, supporting future expansion to the adjacent Runways 16L/34R and 16R/34L.

 Download the full RFP.

Request For Proposals The Port of Seattle will accept written sealed proposals until 2:00 p.m., Thursday, May 15, 2014, on the following: RFP 14-11 Foreign Object Detection System Information and proposal forms can be obtained from the Port of Seattle PRMS website. Should you need help accessing the website, please contact Liz Fulton ph. 206.787.3511 or e-mail Small Business Enterprises are encouraged to participate. Dated at Seattle, Washington this 9th day of April 2014.


Tender for FOD consultancy services

I apologise, the information below was sent to me a few weeks ago but I have only just got around to including it here (and it’s not because I’ve applied!)

Tender for Contract M860-2- Consultancy Services for Automated Foreign Object Debris Detection System at the Hong Kong International Airport (Tender ref.: PRO/T140/12/MN)

The Airport Authority Hong Kong (“the Authority”) is responsible for the management, operation and maintenance of Hong Kong International Airport (“the Airport”).

The Authority hereby invites tenders from interested organizations with proven experience and capability for consultancy services for Automated Foreign Object Debris Detection System at the Hong Kong International Airport. The Term of the Contract for Design Stage Services is intended to be 150 calendar days. Details of the invitation are spelled out in the Tender Document.

The Tender Document will be available for collection from 2:30 p.m. on 27 December 2012 (Hong Kong time) at the HKIA Tower, Lower Ground Floor, 1 Sky Plaza Road, Hong Kong International Airport, Lantau, Hong Kong.  Applicants who wish to tender for the above contract should write a letter on company letterhead, giving contact details for collection of the Tender Document and sendby fax to (852) 2188 7684 for the urgent attention of Mr. Amen Tong, Deputy General Manager, Procurement.

A Tender Briefing is scheduled for 4:00p.m. to 5:30 p.m. on 17 January 2013. Interested applicants are required to register on or before 14 January 2013. Registration details will be provided upon collection of the Tender Document.

Tenders in response to the invitation must be in compliance with the requirements set out in the Tender Document and be submitted and deposited into the Authority’s Tender Box as per the instructions set out in the Tender Document, no later than 2:30 p.m. on 19 February 2013 (Hong Kong time).

All costs and expenses incurred for or in connection with any response to this invitation, including the preparation and/ or submission of the tender, shall be entirely the responsibility of the applicants without recourse to the Authority. The Authority is not bound to accept the lowest tender or any tender and reserves the right to negotiate with any Tenderer.

Source – Hong Kong International Airport website

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