Commercial airports very rarely seem to publicise any real data on FOD damage or FOD finds, the Military on the other hand are always keen to report the results of their FOD walks. An article in Aerotech News describes the efforts of the staff at the March Air Reserve Base (map).
During the quarter ending Dec 2010, FOD incidents caused over $21,000 in repair costs to our aircraft here at home station, not to mention, perhaps, some tense moments for our aircrews.
The article goes on to show an image of some damaged fan blades, and to thank those involved in their efforts towards improving air safety.
Your assistance last week is greatly appreciated and has made a difference. The first photo is of one of the engines on our aircraft that had a recent encounter with foreign objects on takeoff last month.
They found 32 pounds of material during their FOD walk! Check out the article and see the images at